2024 Dead Androids
Everything that lives is designed to end
Trapped in a never-ending cycle of clasping hands
(as if in prayer)
around his most delicate neck.
Nier Automata is generally experienced best if you do not know how it ends. This zine is, generally, for people who have already finished the game. Even more so than most of my work I recommend that if you are worried about spoilers you go play the game first. Its pretty good.
Seriously. The zine discusses major plot beats from the games final scenes and includes screenshots of said scenes. You have been warned.
Putting that aside, if you think you'd enjoy fatalistic wallowing of a serial twink murderer please give the zine a look. You can mouse over redactions to get a peak behind the scenes. Otherwise just sit back and enjoy a bit of android misery.
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wow. wonderful work, from the layout to the words.